Presidential Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee

Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee


The Presidential Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee will work with the campus to implement recommendations and strategies outlined by the Transition Committee. Committee members will also work with campus leadership to advise and recommend ways the university can continue to strengthen these efforts.


As the flagship public research university of Texas, UT Austin has a unique and critical obligation to serve and prepare the next generation of leaders. Texas is one of the most vibrant and diverse states in the country, and our Hispanic community is a very important part of our culture, history and future.

In 2020, UT Austin proudly earned the Hispanic Serving Institution designation, and was also awarded the prestigious Seal of Excelencia. These recognitions represent a broad effort by the campus and UT community and help demonstrate the university is committed to providing high-quality education that values the Hispanic experience along with other student experiences.

During this critical period, the Hispanic Serving Institution Transition Committee led a rigorous effort to research and understand areas and opportunities to continue making progress.

In 2023, UT Austin earned recertification of the Seal of Excelencia, further exemplifying the University’s efforts to recruit and retain Latino students and its role as one of the country’s largest and most academically prestigious Hispanic-serving institutions.


Steering Committee

Richard Flores (Chair)
Deputy to the President for Academic Priorities
Office of the President

Leticia Acosta
Director, Outreach and Inclusion
Red McCombs School of Business

Lydia Contreras
Associate Dean
Graduate School

Marvin Hackert
Senior Associate Dean
Graduate School

Ramon Rivera-Servera
Professor and Dean
College of Fine Arts

Melissa Chavez
Associate Vice President and Executive Director
UT Charter School System

Victor Saenz
Associate Dean
College of Education

Miguel Wasielewski
Vice Provost of Admissions
Office of Admissions

Charles Martinez, Jr.
Professor and Dean
College of Education

Robert Valdez
University Housing and Dining