Staying Safe On and Off Campus
As you have returned to campus in recent days, there have been countless examples of courteous and compassionate behavior by Longhorns who have stepped up to Protect Texas Together as we navigate the COVID-19 crisis.
First Day
I want to take a moment today — the first day of classes for this fall semester — to talk about what is precedented at The University of Texas: incredible learning opportunities, life-changing teaching and a sense of spirit and common purpose unlike any other.
COVID-19 Testing and Plans for the Fall
On Wednesday, the fall semester officially begins. So many members of our university community have worked tirelessly to get us to this point, but I know a great deal of uncertainty still looms as we aim to carry forward our vital learning, teaching and research missions during these difficult times.
More Plans for the Fall Semester
We’re just a week away from the start of classes, and I want to update you on additional plans and resources for the fall semester and some of the efforts we’re making to keep our students, staff and faculty safe.
Getting Ready for the Fall Semester
Thousands of UT faculty and staff members are hard at work preparing for the start of the fall semester. Many students are beginning to return to Austin for on-campus learning, while many others are setting up for immersive remote learning at home.
COVID-19 Testing for Fall Semester
We are writing you today to share the university’s comprehensive testing strategy for COVID-19 during the fall semester, which is only a few weeks away. Robust and rigorous testing will be needed to monitor and limit the presence of COVID-19 on our campus and keep our community members as safe as possible as we continue to navigate the pandemic.