The University of Texas at Austin Office of the President

Messages &

  • Speech

    2024 State of the University Address

    On September 18, 2024, President Jay Hartzell spoke about how we continue to advance excellence and innovation at UT Austin and create the most comprehensive and impactful academic experience for our students.

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  • Message

    Moody College Dean Rachel Davis Mersey Appointed Interim Provost

    I am pleased to announce that Moody College of Communication Dean Rachel Davis Mersey will serve as Interim Provost, effective Sept. 1.

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  • Message

    Provost Leadership Transition

    I am writing to inform you that Sharon Wood will be leaving her position as Executive Vice President and Provost and returning to the faculty of the Cockrell School of Engineering, effective Aug. 31.

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  • Message

    Outlook for the Year Ahead

    Fall is always a special time on the Forty Acres, as our students and the energy they bring return to campus. As the new school year approaches, people frequently ask me as president, “How’s it going?”

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  • Message

    Vice President for Research Leadership Transition

    Dan Jaffe has let me know that he will step down from his role as Vice President for Research in August of 2025. At that point, he will have served for almost 10 years, longer than almost any current VPR in the Association of American Universities.

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  • Message

    Announcing Jim Zook as Vice President for Marketing and Communications

    It is my pleasure to announce that we have hired Jim Zook as our new Vice President for Marketing and Communications. Jim, who will join us Sept. 16, is a talented and experienced communications and marketing professional with more than 30 years of experience spanning higher education, professional services, the federal government and the news media.

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